Luminous wheels

Luminous wheels are wheels that will shed light or shine in the dark. Luminous wheels can be used for both inline skates and roller skates. They provide a great way to be seen in the dark and also add a unique style to your skates. Luminous roller skate wheels come in all different sizes and colors, giving you the livery to stylize your skates however you see fit.
Luminous LED Wheels
The first thing you will notice is that Luminous LED wheels are just a little bit different from normal wheels. The first difference is that it comes included with a different spacer. The spacer included is a magnetic spacer. The magnetic spacer is what will help initiate the glow of the wheels as they begin to rotate and spin under you. If you’re wondering what causes the wheels to light up when they spin, it’s due to the magnetic silver strip that sits inside the wheel hub. When the metal strip makes contact with the spacer, this is what will cause your wheels to light up and shine. These wheels are made to last and withstand your normal skating. They will survive all niches of skating and still function as they were intended, which is to light up and make your skates be seen in the dark. Luminous wheels on quads will perform just as great as they do on inline skates. The wheels are still made of quality material and have a common hardness of 85a. They really do not differ much from regular wheels, although they are a bit slower, they are still very fun to use and are solid wheels. Luminous light-up wheels will make your skates easily visible during your evening skates and also add some style since they are available in different color options.
Luminous inline wheels
Luminous rollerblade wheels offer more benefits than any cons. There is only one con and that is that they are slightly slower due to the added weight of the LEDs inside the wheels. The pros are that they are stylish, ride well and are durable, and can easily be seen when skating in the evenings or afternoons. If you are considering getting a set of luminous skate wheels for your current setup and enjoy nighttime skating, then these luminous wheels are a must. Quad roller skate wheels can also be easily swapped out and use the luminous wheels, they have the same application and will provide the same benefits as they do for inline skates. Inline skating wheels are not meant to last a lifetime, so it’s definitely worth trying some luminous wheels on your inlines.